Generation Vitae is a community of individuals in their 20s, 30s, and 40s dedicated to the mission of Houston Coalition for Life: ending abortion… peacefully and prayerfully.
Generation Vitae wants to inspire the next generation of pro-life leaders in Houston to help build a culture of Life throughout our community.
We aim to provide members with educational, networking, and philanthropic opportunities for young professionals both single and married to further the mission of Houston Coalition for Life and their Blue Blossom Pregnancy Centers which provide free services to women facing crisis pregnancies.
Why become a member?
Members will have the opportunity to meet each other through social and/or educational gatherings which may include happy hours, educational breakfasts and lunches, and special events such as Stand + Pray. Members will also have opportunities to learn about issues facing the pro-life cause in our community and volunteer during our events throughout the year. There is no cost to join.
For more information, please contact Alexandra Sizemore at or call (713) 395-1330.
Please fill in the form to become a member!