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Abortions may be illegal in Texas, but the need for a prayerful presence outside former abortion facilities is still as great as ever. These facilities are now referring women out of state for abortions and oftentimes providing them with travel accommodations or even paying for the abortion beforehand which creates a sense of obligation within the woman to follow through with it.

Planned Parenthood’s parking lots in New Mexico are filled with Texas license plates. Pro-lifers in states where abortion is still legal tell us that it is much harder to reach out to women who have traveled to another state because she has already committed to the drive or flight and is on Planned Parenthood's schedule.

Women often look for any sign to not go through with her abortion, and so many women have told us that seeing someone simply praying on the sidewalk made her think twice.

We must have a peaceful, loving presence outside these facilities in her hometown before she commits to traveling out of state.

Weekly Prayer Vigils:

  • Monday
    Planned Parenthood
    4600 Gulf Freeway
    Houston, TX 77023
    10:30 am - 11:30 am

  • Tuesday
    Planned Parenthood-Northwest Center
    13169 Northwest Freeway
    Houston, TX 77040
    9:00 am - 10:00 am

  • Wednesday
    Women’s Reproductive Services
    13201 Northwest Freeway
    Houston, TX 77040
    9:00 am - 10:00 am

  • Thursday
    Planned Parenthood
    5800 Bellaire
    Houston, TX 77081
    9:00 am - 10:00 am

There are only "5 Rules" for the sidewalk:

  1. Do not park or walk on Planned Parenthood property or any other private property.
  2. If anyone approaches you, respond with the love of Christ.
  3. If you want to hold a sign, please request one provided by Houston Coalition for Life.
  4. Please focus on staying in a mode of prayer while you are out there.
  5. Please sign our Statement of Peace 


To learn more about getting involved with Stand + Pray, contact Flor Nunez at or call (713) 395-1330.


If abortion is illegal in Texas, why do we still need to be out on the sidewalks?

Regardless of the legal status of abortion, crisis pregnancies are still happening in Texas. Women who think there are no other options are still going to places like Planned Parenthood to be referred out of state for an abortion. We must reach these women with free life-affirming alternatives before she travels out of state where she’ll be much less likely to change her mind due to the amount of time and resources she will have committed to getting there. In addition, we continue to encounter Texas women who are obtaining RU-486, the abortion pill, illegally through the mail and over-the-counter in Mexico.

What do I pray for?

Our basic goal is to pray for a peaceful end to abortion. You can pray for the women facing a crisis pregnancy, the preborn children, the conversion of abortionists and others employed there, the passing of pro-life laws across our country and around the world, and the growth of a culture of life.

What do I bring?

We can provide you with a sign if you wish, or you can bring a Bible or other prayer materials you’d like.

When should I go pray?

To find an open time slot, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (713) 395-1330.

How long should I be out there?

Most people will stand on the sidewalk for about an hour, but you may pray for as long or as short as you’d like.

Is it safe to go alone?

Praying on the sidewalk is largely safe, but we always encourage people to pray with at least one other person just to protect themselves against false accusations or potentially heated interactions.

Do I talk to the women going in?

Unless you are a trained Sidewalk Counselor, we please ask you to remain in prayer. If you are interested in becoming a Sidewalk Counselor, training sessions are offered every month. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (713) 395-1330 to schedule.

Where do I park?

DO NOT park on Planned Parenthood property or any other private property. For the Planned Parenthood on I45, please parallel park along Gulf Crest or along Eleanor Tinsley Way.